Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hickory Point Bank...

I was thinking about to when I lived in Blue Mound Illinois and worked in Decatur with two loverly ladies. (Amanda and Ashleigh) Well there are two stories that popped into my head instantly when thinking about my time at the bank. The first being mine and Amanda's introduction to the two most stinky and dirtiest people I have ever come in contact with. It was a  middle aged man and his mother...they literally could be smelled coming up to the bank. Well, we would take turns on who would help them, then everyone else would file into the vault room and spray air freshner into  a fan that was pointed towards the poor soul that had to wait on them. I swear they told us stories of bugs crawling across the counter. It got to the point that we knew he would be taking out the same amount of money each time and we would just have it ready and waiting for him and his lovely momma  so all we had to do was count it out. It was a smell that if I think hard enough about it, I can smell it now. (slight vomit in mouth.)

This story is a tad bit gross so this is your disclaimer if you want to stop reading now.
Amanda went to lunch and came back a bit early so she could use the restroom and relax before her lunch hour was up. She comes back from the bathroom and can't stop is what she went through while in the restroom:
In the stall next to her she hears another woman say, " Oh god.", followed but "oh NO!" and then that was it. Now that alone could make a person chuckle. While Amanda is washing her hands, a Walmart employee comes in (the bank was inside the store) and heads to the stall next to Amanda. She opens the door and I believe Amanda said a few choice words came out of her mouth... the woman cursed and said "Oh my god!" Now of course if you hear this you are going to want to take a peek, as gross as it is. In Amanda's own words, " It was like someone paint balled the entire back of and sides of the stall." I will let that digest with you and give you the visual. Let's just say the bathroom was closed for most of the afternoon.

I loved working with these two girls, we laughed everyday, until a new boss and her friend invaded our space. (Remember the dolphin trap stamp ladies?) Those were good times and they still make me laugh just thinking about them. I miss them, but I get to see how their lives are going on facebook so that is a good thing. :)

Be kind and laugh today!

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