Monday, June 16, 2014


How do you know if you are truly ready to move from one place in your life to the next? Is it just something that happens and you don't even realize it, or is it a conscious choice to actually take the next step in your life? I have been thinking about this for the last few days. How do you know you are ready for anything that might come your way? Are we ever really ready for the changes that come at us or are we just supposed to go with the punches? I for one do not take change well. I like things constant, and I am sure many of you are like that. Change can be good but it's scary! So scary that I have resisted change for the better in my life for more than a year. I finally had to change because I had hit the bottom and there was no where else to go. If you are forced to change and take the next step/stage in your life does that mean that you no longer have a say in how things in your life go from this point on? I know this is a lot of questions, but think about you lose control of your life when something forces you to change when you really aren't ready? Change can come in a quick flash or sneak along like a snail. My change at first was a flash and this current, pleasant change, thanks to the "incident", has been at a snail's pace. I actually don't mind the pace it has taken to get to where I am today. I am less stressed and more willing to be an active participant in my life and others around me. I am ready to move to the next stage in my life, which I thought would come after 20 years of teaching, but its coming much earlier. I am headed off on a journey to get my Phd and I am so READY for it. I am READY to be the person I always thought I could be and more. I am READY for CHANGE.

be kind to others and be ready for anything!

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