Wednesday, April 2, 2014

6:48 am

It's 6:48 in the morning and I am up and moving. Honestly I am exhausted, and people don't seem to understand how that is possible when I go to be by 8:30 almost every night. Let me tell you a little secret...when you are used to a routine for three years and suddenly you are presented with a house that is empty, a dog and not much else to do but craft, read, exercise and clean; it can get a little exhausting. When your routine is interrupted and you are faced with what to do next. Slept in a few days and it didn't feel right, so I stick to this insane schedule to keep me from going crazy. I bounce back and forth between my craft room, (preparing for my first craft show), cleaning the house (which by the way is pretty darn clean), exercising (which I honestly just do it like a drone...but I do it.), and since I still have about 20 more hours to kill in the day I am catching up on my reading. I can't say I don't like this schedule, I just know that I haven't dated it long enough to know if its right for me. Maybe by our 2nd month-iversay I will have settled into my new routine and have grown to love it.

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