Thursday, April 10, 2014

Stop, look and go be grateful

I watched a great 14 minute video last night on TED tv, and it was about being happy and what the key to being happy is. Now if you have never watched anything on TED, I encourage it greatly!  But back the main point, to be happy one must be grateful. Its about being in the now and experiencing the situation you are in at the moment and being grateful to have that moment and experience.  If you are grateful, then you are happy. Material things do not make you happy unless you are truly grateful to have them, because they can disappear just as fast as the moment you are in. You must be grateful in order to be happy. He continued to say we must learn to create a world that is grateful in order to have a happy world of people. If people stop looking for happiness rather than being grateful for what they have and are experiencing then the world would be a better place. I am learning to be grateful, so I am leaning to be happy. Its something that I think all of us can use a lesson in. If not just to improve upon but to learn gratefulness. I am grateful that I was able to watch that and now I understand that happiness does not come from the job I have, the title I hold, the things I have and want, but it comes simply by being grateful that my dog snuggles with me in the morning before I get up. That my parents support and love me through my tough times. That my SO has been there for me from the beginning of this crazy ride and has stuck by me. Those are things to be grateful for, and those are things that make me happy. What are you grateful for? Spreading this idea with people you love and care for. Have an attitude of GRATITUDE! And please remember to Stop, look, (be in the moment) and be grateful for the life you have. Be kind to others today.

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