Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Yesterday I was told that I need to release the anger that I have dealing with a more recent event that has taken place in my life. I was told that it has to be a physical representation of the anger leaving me and the free space being filled with positive thoughts. So, today I will be burning a few items outside since its such a loverly day. I think burning these items that are representations of the anger I hold towards the situation will allow me to move on. I guess you could say I have been harboring a tad bit of anger towards it and its holding me in limbo in my quest to become the me I want to be.  With that I leave you with this thought, by holding onto the anger it only keeps you stagnant, you are not able to move forward and heal. I had the band-aid ripped off a month ago, now its time to put some topical cream on it and let it heal. It may leave a scar, but battle wounds are great stories to tell over beer!

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